The Robert Owen Society


In 1992 a far sighted group of Herefordshire headteachers and college principals had the co-operative vision of strength and solidarity in working together. They were ably supported in this plan  by Hereford and Worcester County Council and Hereford and Worcester Training & Enterprise Council. The rest is history as they say and thirty two years later and after over one hundred million pounds worth of successful projects which brought the world to our door here on Offa’s Dyke we find our communities in the two countries  at a cross roads.

Our people do not need to be told that our communities are in crisis and in many cases civil society as we knew it is beginning to break down. Without question our people across the board live in an increasingly challenged world and this must change. Yet we believe that so  many of the solutions are in our own hands. However,  for change to happen we need to encourage new thinking and planning which often may defy conventional structures. As Robert Owen would tell us we need to create co -operative commonwealths at community level.

Co-operative structures at local level have the power to create a world where the voluntary, statutory and business services and endeavours are seamless.  In fact co-operative commonwealths where ‘we’ becomes more important than ‘I’  for  as we all know no individual can exist and thrive in isolation.

With your help this new website will be the engine for change as we seek to support our communities with new ideas, share information, and build new projects . It’s yours, own it and help us in co-operation  to show the world that the fire lit by our Pioneers in 1992 still burns brightly generating a new vision for a new world.

The crucial issue – local versus global

All the signs are around us of a serious disconnect between our people at local community level and any significant control of their day to day lives . The inter personal contacts and feelings of ‘us’ have evaporated away in the face of global centralising forces . All reasonable folk recognise that some aspects of our lives have to be administered from a national or international central point but so much more autonomy and personal control can and must be delegated back down to local level.

In 1992 an inspirational group of Herefordshire Co-operative Pioneers understood this and set us on a co-operative course to where we are today.

So why co-operative solutions?

Well a co-operative quite simply is an association of people with common social, cultural and  economic needs and goals. It is a legal entity that works democratically where local people are at the heart of the organisation. Co-operatives are more productive and so often more successful than other businesses .  A locally run co-operative will address local social concerns and thus be one more inclusive . Put simply it is about ‘us’ and not about ‘me’.

The rural bonus

The local versus global challenge is felt most acutely in areas of high rurality to the extent that rural disadvantage across the board is fast becoming a national disaster. Change in rural areas  can only occur effectively with local co-operative management and control of resources which will be sourced from both local and global streams. In short rural challenges need co-operative solutions .

Tell me more

The history of successful co-operatives can be traced back to the Fenwick Weavers and theRochdale Pioneers through to organisations such as the Mondragon Corporation inSpain founded by a Catholic priest in 1956. Most co-operatives follow the seven principles laid down by the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers.

Members democratically and directly control each co-operative electing leaders and making key decisions.

What are these key Co-operative Principles?
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Voluntary and open organisation

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Democratic member control

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Member economic participation

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Autonomy and independence

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Education, training and information  

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Co-operation amongst co-operatives

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Concern for the community

How can help be offered to my community?

As a starter read through the website, look at the outcomes of the Robert Owen annual lectures, see the evaluation  report on the Robert OwenAcademy, follow links through on other co-operative work and join with others on your co-operative journey.


Interested in becoming a member of the Robert Owen society?  Then please sign up for our newsletter and details of membership.

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