Many thanks to all of you who have taken the trouble to reply to our initial canvas of opinion on the likely level of support for the Robert Owen Society to petition for a Royal Commission on UK governance. To avoid confusion we see governance as a local and global concept covering all statutory and third sector organisations.
In order to help the debate along we offer the following pointers as to what good governance should seek to achieve. In short it should seek to add value. It is lean and ethical with a focus on tackling operational challenges in ways that complement the organisation’s big picture vision .
All organisations from the smallest local charity to large public bodies must constantly evaluate and review their own governance but they must at all times seek to serve their people and not be a vehicle for self protection. Good governance tries to effectively future proof what might suddenly come over the hill. However, boards must remain focused on broad strategic goals whilst tacking the day to day issues. Boards must always keep their governance ideals in mind.
Key themes of sound governance can be summed up as follows:
> Clarity of purpose , roles and behaviour
> Application of principles which for us would include cooperative values and principles
> Leadership and strategic direction
> Effective external relationships
> Effective internal relationships
> Transparency and public reporting with honesty and integrity
> Systems and structures that are fit for purpose
> Challenge on the delivery of agreed outcomes
> Clear abilities to manage risk and compliance
> The ability to demonstrate organisational effectiveness.
We sincerely hope that you find this helpful.
Amelia Washbourne
Chris Morgan
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